NLC To IMF, World Bank: Stop Lending To Unacceptable Leaders

The NLC chairman, Joe Ajaero, over the weekend in Washington DC United States told the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) to quit lending money to Nigerian government as they are not accountable to their citizens.
He said these loans only end up pushing the nation further into more depts and underdevelopment.
Joe Ajaero told the global financial institutions that over the years, their economic suggestions hasn't been of any improvement, but has continued to worsen poverty and Nigeria's development.
NLC Chairman, Joe Ajaero, pleaded with the Brettonwoods institutions to stop imposing blanket austerity measures, but support developing nations in crafting progressive tax policies that protect the poor and vulnerable.
In his presentation titled: "Progressive Taxation and Fiscal Consolidation", he said Nigerians represent the voice of those who are marginalized and those who are supposed to benefit from taxation but who have unfortunately in many countries begun to suffer adversely from taxation.