Measles : experts call for aggressive campaign

The Report by the World Health Organization (WHO) that measles is the leading cause of vaccine-preventable deaths among children in developing countries, calls for prompt action from stakeholders in Nigeria.
In the light of this, the Rivers State Government through its Primary Healthcare Board has called for joint effort on awareness against measles.
As part of efforts in ensuring that the state attains universal coverage in immunization, adequate collaboration and awareness campaigns from stakeholders, most especially the media in sensitizing people of the state.
Speaking during a workshop to educate the media, the director of the state primary healthcare board and a UNICEF representative said the aim is targeted towards immunizing children from nine months to five years.
Other health officials emphasized the need for immunization as they expressed the belief that joint efforts from the media, public and private partnerships will lead to the eradication of measles and yellow fever in the society.
Experts explained that measles is a highly infectious viral disease caused by Morbilivirus but only spreads among individuals who have not been vaccinated.